S3Corp February Highlights

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February 12, 2022

S3Corp. | New Year Party | Back To Office

In February, S3Corp. held two significant events that helped everyone connect: the New Year Party and a day for returning to the office after months of working from home.


Let us take a closer look at each of the internal events.

Back to Work at Office Announcement

During the past two years, the world was hit by the pandemic that made everyone’s life different. The working style has changed as well.


A “new normal life” was established to adapt to the epidemic. Even though the pandemic remains a health concern, the threat is lessening. 


After months of working from home, S3Corp. officially returned to the office on 7th February 2022, promising the most efficient working environment for all S3-ers.


S3Corp Working Place


It promises to become a positive thing for S3ers where we can hold face-to-face meetings, exchange ideas, and collaborate more effectively. We are ready for a new drive full of energy.


Many thanks to the back-office employees for their continuous efforts in ensuring a safe working place for our members.


New Year Party 2022

The New-Year party is always a special occasion for everyone since it allows us to gather together to celebrate and welcome the new year with new opportunities and great hope for the coming year 2022.


On Friday, 11th Feb 2022, at the Sky restaurant, as the first week of the lunar new year, S3Corp. held up the new-year party to welcome and celebrate the new year-year of the tiger together.


After months of working from home due to the epidemic, this event became a big gathering for S3Corp. This special event was a chance for all members of S3Corporation to meet each other in person and enjoy a fun time after a long journey of work with the company.


The party began with a short sharing and the warmest wishes of the Chairman of the Board and CEO.


Chairwomen And CEO S3Corp


The party went on by the board of directors with the opening ceremony. After that, a lucky money picking activity took place for all guests to feel the meaning of welcoming a new year with hopes and expectations for a prosperous new year.


S3Corp NYP (1)


The highlight of this party was the song performances from many talented singers with great voices, intriguing themes, and entertaining content. These songs showed us how united and connected we are during this working year.


S3Corp Song Performance


Training, recognition, reward, and promotion are part of the core values and also are part of the policy of S3Corp. Hence, at this event, we also recognized and promoted employees who performed their work successfully throughout the previous year.


S3Corp Promoting Program


Congratulation to those who got promoted! Hopefully, these rewards will motivate them to achieve more success coming time.


The lucky draw was the most exciting part. This section became the most exciting part and brought us a lot of surprises for everyone.


It was such a memorable night for all S3ers when we all could enjoy the musical show with lots of impressive performances and see the happy new-year smiles.


S3Corp . All Employees NYP


Many thanks to all for participating in this unique new year party 2022. And many thanks to those who have supported and accompanied with S3Corporation in 2021 and the years ahead.


Happy New Year 2022! Welcome and warm wishes for the New Year of 2022! Let us make 2022 even more thrilling by achieving even more!