Last Mile Works, a non – profit project, are implementing in the San Quetin prison. In this project, prisoner can help enterpriser to build software applications. The prisoners who join can earn upto 16.77 $ per one hour. It is less than standard salary of the developer in Silicon Valley. However, the program can help prisoner to get software knowledge and makes easy to find a job when they are released from prison.
Let’s visit the special coder class.
Last Mile Works was established in 2010 by the investor, Chris Redlitz.
Cooperating with Code Hack Reactor school, Redlitz established “a Technology nursery” into prison that called CODE.7370.
Prisoner who took part in Code.7370, were learned about JavaScript, Python, WordPress and they can show their ability in Demo Day’s event. In the end of this year, this program will be implemented for three prisons in other states.
Last Mile Works implement support to help their student who graduated from Code.7370, have real practice while they are still in prison.
Using the internet in prison is not acceptable, so they implement works in internal connect and manager will bring the result outside. The amount from their projects will use to serve for non- profit organizations.
This is the door that prisoners go inside special coder class.
Technology information industry are completely compliance with the labor who has mad Curriculum Vitae. Redlits said, “In high Technology industry, people care about the quality more than the past life”. Even if they are not using internet, coder help prisoner to connect the economy of 21st century and ease their integration into the community.