Android still exists the unsettled issues

Android -smartphone

One-third of the Android users are still using the versions that were developed from the year of 2012 or earlier. The smartphone market that is accounting for a small amount of the consumer electronic equipment grew to a huge industry with a huge interest every year. In the overall picture, the android mobile platform still is the largest one in the world. According to the BI intelligence, they can achieve about 1.4 billion Android users every month on regular activities from the devices such as smartphones, and tablets. To achieve this, the manufacturers of the Android have given the users a huge number of the options in the different segments.


With the regardless of the success in the past and in the present, the future of the Android is uncertain. As an open source platform to the android, it has a lot of the variations, so the fragmentation of the ecosystems is unavoidable. This will create a lot of the difficulties in the development of the new applications and build the overall security solution for the Android.

When the smartphone market moved from the developed countries such as the US, and china to the newly emerging market like the India, and Brazil, Google has tried to maintain the control with the android platform which has with the projects called the Android. Meanwhile, the 3rd party manufacturer will also promote its android variants to attack this potential market.

According to the latest report of the BI intelligence, the Android platform is facing to an opportunity and the biggest challenges of its key markets. This report also learns about the fragmentation of the Android, the limitations in the development of the Android as the Android wear and the Android Pay…

Here are the main contend of the report:

-    Mobile platform android is the most extensive in the world. Estimating in Q2/2015, about 83 percent of the smartphones sold on the global scale (282.5 million devices) running the different versions of the Android. Meanwhile, only 47.3 million smartphones running the IOS sold during the same period.

-    Fragmentation is the biggest challenge of the Android platform. One-third of the Android users are still using the versions that were developed from the year of 2012 or earlier. This makes it difficult for the developers to write applications, release the update version for them as well as give the overall the security solution for the Android platform.

-    Fragmentation also is the biggest chance of the Android. The consumers can have more choices than ever for the rapid proliferation of the Android manufacturers. In the August of 2015, there are more than 24.000 different Android devices from 1.300 brands that were launched.

-    The number of the apps on Google play is superior to those of the rival platforms, typical of the IOS app store.

-    Despite the larger user base, the sales of the Android platform are much less than the IOS.

-    The emerging markets are the key to the future of the Android. Google wants to win the ecosystem created by themselves, but they also face the competition from the manufacturers of the handset, network partners and the traditional rivals from the Apple.